Tuesday, September 30, 2014


you guys...being a mama to 2 is seriously kicking my butt.
we have been busy with preschool, play doh, legos,
weekly outings to disneyland, playdates with friends,
swimming in the pool, taking walks around the neighborhood,
and just trying to keep up with the kiddos.

i started teaching again in august,
but have been turning down photography.
i used to be the person who never said no.
i always had my foot in a million doors.
lately i've been trying to keep both feet
in my own door, to really be present
as i have my house full of little ones.

violet was a first child...
so she had monthly blog posts,
to help me document all her milestones.

oh, poor little ivy, the second child.
at least i have been trying my hardest
to keep up with taking her monthly photos, right?
we do what we can :)

3 months

4 months
