yesterday on the freeway there was a short bus ahead of me in the lane next to me. we were curving around down the ramp from the 57 to the 22 east, and something flew out of the window and bounced along the freeway a few times. i wondered what it could be and as i drove past the object, i recognized it as a little white sneaker. it was the cutest thing ever! i used to work with special ed kids and i just appreciate them so much.
anyway a little update on my wedding planning. will tell you that there are 59 days left until our wedding. let me just say that i am a lucky girl because not only do i have a perfect fiance, i am also getting a gorgeous wedding cake, have amazing photographers,
awesome hair/makeup artist, HOT bridesmaids, a killer dj, perfect menu, super cute invitations, and i am sooo excited to rock my wedding gown. and oh yeah - ARUBA! i am so grateful for everyone helping me with everything :)
we did our engagement photo session last night with
amelia & hudd. it was awesome and i can't wait to see how the photos turn out. i loved the little kids who were like "look at the models!" and the chocolate funnel cake we devoured at the end of the night. the invitations came in the mail in a giant heavy box and now it is time to cut the paper, print the text, and glue and stuff the pieces. the girls are totally planning the shower and bachelorette events and i'm getting so excited! their dresses are going to be hot and i'm so jealous i don't get one! shawni i think i can fit into yours to borrow! cindee, taniya, my mom and i went
cake tasting and it was delicious! they are going to make the most beautiful cake for us! the more i talk about the details, the more excited i get! will and i are apartment shopping as well, even though we have a little while we want to get started. so we're really gonna do this thing!
by the way wish me luck, i am still waiting to hear back from some jobs!! i can't take the suspense!!